Odulair offers a full one-year Warranty on all of our Mobile Medical Units.
The Warranty covers the Mobile Clinic trailer portion of the unit including the exterior, interior, and included systems (electrical, medical gas, HVAC, water, communications, etc.). In the case of self-propelled units, the mobile medical vehicle often includes a time/mileage Warranty in addition to the trailer portion Warranty. The on-board medical equipment within the Mobile Medical Units is covered under the standard original equipment manufacturer's (OEM) warranty. Consumable and normal "wear and tear" are not covered under the Mobile Medical Unit Warranty unless otherwise specified.
Odulair offers extended maintenance on all of our Mobile Medical Units on both a non-contractual "time and materials" basis and through an Extended Warranty Plan with scheduled maintenance. Odulair facilitates parts replacement in accordance with original equipment manufacturer (OEM) warranties.
Odulair, LLC 109 E. 17th Street #63, Cheyenne WY 82001 USA Phone: +1 307 459 1350 E-mail: info@odulair.com
© 2008 - 2017 Copyright Odulair LLC. All Rights Reserved. Odulair, Kiosk Clinics and "medical from the ground up" are trademarks of Odulair LLC.